
Metal Shelving

Storage solutions

Metal Shelving


Storage solutions

Metal Shelving

TAB’s high-density shelving systems help you: store more in less space, improve access, and save money on real estate costs.

TAB’s open shelving systems are designed for high-density storage environments. They are the ideal solution for highly active storage rooms, allowing rapid access to a large number of storage spaces in a limited area.

The flexible, modular design makes economical use of space while making it easy to file, retrieve, and shift your files.

More Metal Shelving

The TAB Four-post shelving system offers an incredibly durable, easily accessible system of high-density storage.

Four-post shelving

The TAB four-post shelving system offers an incredibly durable, easily accessible system of high-density storage.

TAB Unit Spacefinder Databox shelving system features modular, highly configurable shelving units for a variety of media and applications.

Unit Spacefinder Databox

TAB Unit Spacefinder Databox shelving system features modular, highly configurable shelving units for a variety of media and applications.

Get in touch to learn more about TAB’s storage systems and space planning services

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