Twinfile® rotary cabinets

Storage solutions
Twinfile® rotary cabinets
Twinfile Cabinets feature rotating shelves that allow you to store more in a limited space. Rotating cabinets can store 40% more in the same footprint as traditional roll-out drawer cabinets. The rotating shelves provide instant access to your stored items from both sides of the unit. The cabinets can also be closed for added security and a clean look.
Twinfile is the ideal cabinet when you need more storage capacity in a limited space. Twinfile also works great as a workspace partition that doubles as storage space.
Twinfile cabinets are suitable for a wide range of storage needs, including records, inventory, and equipment storage in locking drawers, three-inch drawers, full-shelf rollouts, unit boxes and even wardrobe storage.
Rotary Cabinet Features
- rotating inner unit allows access to all cabinet contents from both sides
- available in six heights and multiple interior configurations to meet your particular storage needs
- flexible configuration to accommodate standard various collection and item formats